
Hey! I’m Louie! I make things and stuff out of yarn, and here’s a bit about me:

In high school, I began to crochet little beanies for friends. At first it started as a hobby and a way for me to have fun and be creative, but then, as time went on, more and more people wanted hats, and eventually people asked me if they could just buy them!  So what started as a challenge and a hobby turned into a little business where I sell and design hats as well as patterns for hats.
Then a few years ago I made a miniature amigurumi Harry Potter which my roommate called a “Pod Person”. The next morning I had made the rest of the Potter family and all the Avengers! I’m a bit (seriously Louie? a bit?) of a nerd and kept creating more and more characters from video games, movies, comics and TV, and by today have made a couple thousand of the little dudes. Eventually I started doing time-lapse videos and stop-motion shorts with my “Pod People” as well as How-To videos and tutorials for different crocheted minis.crochetedlouie

I am currently 32 years old, and 7 or 8 years later am still crocheting and creating new characters and creations every day. Crocheting is really a great hobby to get into, and changed my life, eventually becoming a huge part of my identity. I wanted to start a blog to teach people the way I crochet and some of the techniques and patterns I’ve come up with through my time crocheting to hopefully help others get as much out of the art as I do.

I hope you like my site and patterns!

Oh, also, I’d love to hear from you! No really!! Email me at louies.loops@gmail.com for anything from blog swaps, questions, ideas or just saying hello!!