Awesome June Giveaway!!

Hey guys, I’ve got a really big giveaway for you guys today! The biggest giveaway I’ve ever offered actually, and there are a bunch of ways to win!

So basically, throughout all of June, I’m going to be posting some new stuff, mostly patterns, but also just blog posts. So I figured why not try to launch off summer with a cool giveaway?

Lets start with what you can win: I’m giving away a $50 (US) gift card to my shop on Etsy to buy what ever you want! It can be a couple hats, patterns, bow ties, even custom orders, what ever you want! Winner will be selected at random. Now, here are a few ways for you to enter the drawing to win!

       – One (1) entry by simply “Liking” the Louie’s Loops page on Facebook (Those who are liked
         already are in the running)

       – One (1) entry by commenting on any of the blog posts from this month (June) per blog post.
         Only one entry per blog post (including this one!), not per comment

       – One (1) entry by following this blog (Left side) (Those who are following already are in the

       – Three (3) entries by purchasing any of the patterns or items up for sale on either Etsy, Ravelry
         or Craftsy

       – Three (3) entries by taking a photo of something you’ve made using one of my patterns and
         sending it to

This means you can enter to win more than 9 times to win a $50 gift card to my Etsy shop! Check back often for more chances to enter as well as new patterns and posts! The giveaway ends on June 30th so get your entries in before then!

Here’s a glimpse at just some of the things you can get with a $50 gift card to my Etsy shop:

66 thoughts on “Awesome June Giveaway!!

  1. Nicole S

    Hi! I liked you on FB, followed you on Pinterest and through Google (blogger) and hope that this comment is one more entry! 🙂 🙂

  2. Louis

    Woooo!!! Yep! You definently get an extra entry by commenting! And, keep checking out the site for more chances to win weekly!! Thanks!

  3. Crochetma

    Can't believe I found your sites. Love your work and looking forward to your newsletters, patterns, following you on facebook and on pinterest. Can never get enough of crochet!

  4. Tricia

    YEA! I like you one facebook, follow your bog, am commenting and am off to send you a photo! 🙂 You know I love your work. I am so excited to see what new patterns you have coming!

  5. Crochetma

    Liked you on facebook and love your work! Have you as a favorite on my Etsy site too. Thanks so much for sharing and offering this great give-away!


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