Category Archives: StupidFox

New Fox Scarf-Hat Color

Check out the new blood orange color added to the Fox Scarf – Hat today! Here are some photo’s of it compared to the autumn orange. You can buy these hats or the pattern for them by clicking HERE or on any of the photo’s below.


Don’t forget to comment on this post to enter to win $50 to my Etsy! Check out the rules and stuff here (Ends June 30th). Check back later this week for a new pattern and a new hat!!

StupidFox and Raccoon Hat!


Fan of StupidFox (and who isn’t)? Check out this sweet Fox and Raccoon Scarf – Hats! Perfect for cold weather, and to sport your fox love. Stay Foxxy this winter!

This hat is available in both pattern form ($5) or physical form ($55 + shipping).

Make it for your friends, family, or buy it for yourself!!

So check out the fox pattern HERE and the fox hat itself HERE!!


Here’s the brand new Raccoon style Scarf – Hat too

Pattern available HERE, the hat itself HERE.

Thanks for checking in! Be sure to keep updated via email and Facebook for the Raccoon Scarf Hat coming soon!