Finally, a new FREE pattern for you guys, and I made it into a cool, fancy PDF too!
So I was bored one day and wanted to make a bow tie, I looked all over for patterns on making one, but all I could find were patterns for pre-tied bow ties, and where’s the fun in that! So I made my own :). I thought, well since there aren’t any I could find, I might as well post one. You can buy one of these bow ties too, right here.
Here are some photos, scroll down to view and download the pattern.
Crocheted Bow Tie Pattern
*EDIT* 8/31/12
So here’s the free pattern for download via Ravelry.
Download the pattern HERE <—
Don’t forget to add this pattern to your favorites on Ravelry and Craftsy, pin-it and share it on Facebook too!!
Don’t forget, you can buy one of these bow ties too! HERE
Here’s the dealio, I want to be able to give all my patterns for free, and I would if I could, but I can’t. I can’t because it takes lots of time to make them and make sure it looks pretty, and I’m a student and don’t make a lot of money as it is, so here’s my idea, if you like this pattern please hit the button to the top right to donate a little something; you don’t have to (obviously) but it would mean a lot to me and show me that people do want more patterns.