So Novembers almost here, and with it, will be coming some great new crafts and patterns! But the things I’m planning are not exactly finished yet. So, I thought why not give a sneak preview of whats to come, as well as making it into a game! With a prize of course. 🙂
So here are three different items that are not finished yet, but are on their way, and enough done to be able to tell what they are. But it’s not going to be easy. The rules of the game are pretty simple, you have to guess what each of the items are and post your guesses in the comment box below or on Facebook. Whoever comments with the most correct answers fastest will be shipped one of the items! Pretty simple. This game will end on November 15th because that’s when I’m going to start posting the answers! Good Luck!
Here are the items to guess:
This one is easily the most difficult.
So there you have it! Let the games begin and may the odds be ever in your favor!