Tag Archives: blog

Louie’s Loops Live: Monster Mondays ~ Ep 2

Welcome to Monster Mondays, where I make a completely 100% original crocheted creature!

Join the conversation here: http://www.youtube.com/user/louiesloops/live

This video is brought to you by viewers like you on Patreon! See ways you can support while getting loads of extra content here: http://www.Patreon.com/louiesloops

New live stream every Monday and Thursday! Subscribe and push notifications to get notified when I go live!

Help out on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/louiesloops


Introducing Louie’s Loops Live

Hey there! I started doing live videos! I’m calling it Louie’s Loops Live. It’s a twice the week live show, Mondays and Thursdays starting at 6pm PST. You can watch live by going to YouTube.com/LouiesLoops when I go live! Here’s what each show is about:

Monster Mondays – Mondays 6pm PST

Watch me make a completely 100% original creature for the first time ever while we listen to some of my favorite tunes! And the audience gets to choose what goes into the creature, including the name!
Mondays 6pm PST




Themed Thursdays – Thursdays 6pm PST

Crochet along with me while I make this weeks newest pattern! Every episode is themed, and this week is for a mini Bulbasaur! Oh and you get the pattern for FREE if you’re watching along!
Thursdays 6pm PST



You can watch all the Previous livestreams by joining Club Compassion on Patreon! You’ll get access to the library of old livestreams, early videos, extra patterns, and Behind the Seams footage! Join at http://www.patreon.com/louiesloops