Category Archives: Blog

How to crochet: A Snitch or Fairy
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Kay, last Zelda pattern for a bit…. I think….

If you’ve been missing, I’ve been on a bit of a kick as far as Zelda patterns go, to celebrate the new game coming out! Check out the patterns for a Big Deku Mask and Mini Deku Mask posted the past few weeks!!

Now today’s pattern is for a miniature Navi fairy from Zelda or a snitch from Harry Potter!!

-Lily Sugar ‘n Cream (Blue, Yellow, and White)
-Size US-G/4.00 mm Crochet Hook
-Needle to sew in ends

-Sc : Single Crochet : Slip Stitch
-Dec/Inc : Decrease/Increase
-Hdc : Half-Double Crochet
-St : Stitch or stitches
Worked in the round


Big wings
Ch 7
(1:45) Rnd 1: starting in 2nd ch from the hook,, sc, hdc, hdc, sc, sc (6)
Cut and pull through leaving long enough end to sew onto body.
Small wings
Ch 3
(2:55) Rnd 1: starting in 2nd ch from the hook,, hdc (2)
Cut and pull through leaving long enough end to sew onto body, just under/behind the big wings.
Ch 2
(4:00) Rnd 1: sc 6 in 2nd ch from the hook (6)
(4:50) Rnd 2: inc (sc 2) in each st (12)
(6:00) Rnd 3: sc in first 3 sts, inc in next, repeat 3 times (15)
(7:00) Rnd 4 – 6: sc in each st around (15)
(7:45) Rnd 7: sc in first 3 sts, dec in next, repeat 3 times (12)
Sew on wings here
(13:30) Rnd 8: dec in each st (6)

Cut, stuff and sew together

Check out another Zelda pattern, like the one for a mini Deku Mask here!

Subscribe on YouTube or follow me on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook to get notified of new videos every week!

How to crochet: a Big Deku Mask
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Majora’s Mask just came out on the 3DS last week so to celebrate I made a big deku mask that’s from the game!!

Last week I made a mini version of this same mask which you can check out right here:

Make your own with the free video pattern below!

-Lily Sugar ‘n Cream (Brown, Black, Green, and Yellow)
-Size US-G/4.00 mm Crochet Hook
-Needle to sew in ends

-Sc : Single Crochet : Slip Stitch
-Dec/Inc : Decrease/Increase
-Hdc : Half-Double Crochet
-St : Stitch or stitches
Worked in the round


Ch 2
Rnd 1: sc 6 in 2nd ch from hook, don’t turn. (6)
Rnd 2: sc 2 (inc) in each. (12)
Rnd 3: sc in first, inc in next, repeat 6 times. (18)
Rnd 4: sc in first 2, inc in next, repeat 6 times. (24)
Rnd 5: sc in first 3, inc in next, repeat 6 times. (30)
Rnd 6: sc in first 4, inc in next, repeat 6 times. (36)
Rnd 7: sc in first 5, inc in next, repeat 6 times. in next. (42, and 1
Cut and pull through, sew in end.
(2:40) Mouth
Rnd 1: Pull loop through the very middle of the body, 16 in a circle. Pull a sizable amount of yarn through the center and cut off.
Rnd 2: in first, turn, sc 1 in each of the’s made, don’t turn. (16)
Rnd 3 and 4: sc in each st around (16) in next, cut and sew in the end.
Inside of mouth
Ch 2
Rnd 1: sc 6 in 2nd ch from hook, don’t turn. (6)
Rnd 2: sc 2 (inc) in each. (12) in next, cut and sew in the end.
(13:30) Eyes (Make 2)
In yellow, Ch 2
Rnd 1: sc 3 in 2nd ch from hook, turn. (3)
Rnd 2: ch 1, sc 2 in each. (6)
Cut and pull trough leaving a long enough end to sew onto the body of the mask
(16:00) Leaves (Make 3)
In green Ch 9
Rnd 1: in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next two, hdc in next 4, sc 3 in last, turn upside down. (10)
Rnd 2: on backside, hdc in next four, 
sc in next two, in last. (7)

Cut and pull through leaving enough to sew onto the top of the body

Check out last weeks pattern for the mini Deku Mask here!

Subscribe on YouTube or follow me on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook to get notified of new videos every week!

How to crochet: a Mini Deku Mask
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New Legend of Zelda game coming out on the 3DS?! WAIT ITS EVEN BETTER!!! Majora’s Mask!! WOOOO!!

So this Thursday the new Majora’s Mask 3DS game comes out and I’m super excited, so to show my appreciation, I decided to make a little Deku Mask from the game! It’s super tiny so you can sew it onto a bag or put it on a pin!

Alright, well check out the free video pattern below!

-Lily Sugar ‘n Cream (Brown, Black, Green, and Yellow)
-Size US-G/4.00 mm Crochet Hook
-Needle to sew in ends

-Sc : Single Crochet : Slip Stitch
-Dec/Inc : Decrease/Increase
-St : Stitch or stitches
Worked in the round


Main (Video Part 1)
Ch 2
(1:30) Rnd 1: sc 6 into the 2nd ch from the hook (6) Don’t Turn
(2:20) Rnd 2: sc 2 (inc) in each st around (12) [4 brown, 2 black, 6 brown]
(4:40) Rnd 3: sc in next st, inc in next st, repeat 6 times (18) in the next, cut and pull through
(7:50) Ch 6, stitch around black made in in the main part.
Leaves (Video Part 2)
Ch 5 (0:45)
(1:15) Rnd 1: into the 2nd ch from the hook, sc in next 2 chs, in last (4)
(1:50) Rnd 2: ch 4, into the 2nd ch from the hook, sc in next 2 chs, in first ch made. (4)
(2:40) Rnd 3: ch 4, into the 2nd ch from the hook, sc in next 2 chs, in first ch made. (4)
Cut and pull through

Sew on leaves, embroider on eyes in yellow.

Subscribe on YouTube or follow me on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook to get notified next week when I make a big Deku Mask!

Watch me Crochet: The Flash
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Hey guys! So I’m back with a new Watch me Crochet video! This time it’s The Flash, my brothers favorite superhero. He’s also up on my Etsy here and you can get the pattern here!

How to crochet: a Mini Anatomical Human Heart
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I know what you’re thinking, “Yo, Louie, where you been? I’m dying for some patterns and you’re so amazing wow.” Stop! I’m blushing… but I’m not surprised.

Well I’m back! And to start off strong I have a couple of new patterns for Valentines Day! See, who want’s to give their loved ones a boring old normal heart… so 2014, this year actually give him/her your heart by using one of these patterns for an Anatomical Human Heart!!

The big version is up on my Etsy for 3.99 here, and the little version is free and down below!! Happy Valentines day ya hookers.

-Lily Sugar ‘n Cream (Red, Light Blue, and Pink)
-Size US-G/4.00 mm Crochet Hook
-Needle to sew in ends

-Sc : Single Crochet : Slip Stitch
-M.p : Mini Picot (ch 2, into 2nd ch from the hook)
-Dec/Inc : Decrease/Increase
-St : Stitch or stitches
Gauge : 5 Rnds and 4 stitches per 1”
Finished piece is about 1” tall
Worked in the round

Mini Arteries (1:45)
Ch 2, working in back loops into 2nd ch from the hook.

“T” Artery (3:10)
Ch 4
Skip first ch, into the next 2 chs.
Ch 4
Skip first ch, into the next 3 chs. into the ch from Rnd 1, into first ch made

Arched Artery (6:20)
Ch 11
Skip first ch, into the next 3 chs.
m.p (mini picot [ch 2, into 2nd ch from the hook]),, m.p,, m.p into next 5 chs.

Main Body (10:25)
Ch 2
(10: 25) Rnd 1: sc 6 into the 2nd ch from the hook (6) Don’t Turn
(11:00) Rnd 2: sc in first st, inc in next, sc, inc, sc, inc (9)
(12:45) Rnd 3: inc in first st, sc in next 2, inc in next, sc in next 2, inc in next, sc in next 2 (12)
(13:45)Rnd 4 – 6: sc one in each st (12)
(Part 2) Rnd 7: dec in each st (6)
Sew on the various arteries here (video 2). Cut, stuff and sew shut.

If you want to make a big lifesized version of the heart go check out my Etsy here where you can get it!! It includes a video tutorial too!!

Luigi Catches a Ghost: New Yarnimation!
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Hey guys!! I spent all last night making this little Halloween Yarnimation for you guys! I really hope you like it, because I love it haha.

You can get the pattern for the mini Luigi, and the rest of Mario and his friends in my Etsy shop here!!

Oh also I’m giving away a free Pokeball! To win just comment below or on the video who you think this Pokemon is!

Watch me Crochet: Doctor Who
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#WeekofWho continues with some new patterns in the Etsy store, and a brand new Watch me Crochet!

So here are some new patterns to the Etsy store! Click the pictures to go straight to the pattern!

Also, check out this brand new Watch me Crochet video! And make sure to subscribe to my YouTube to be notified later this week for another final Doctor Who Yarnimation!!

How to crochet: Sonic Screwdriver
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I have been getting requests for a long time now to do some Doctor Who related stuff, so I figured why not start now! We’ve got a new Doctor, and it’s Halloween time, so lets get it going! So this week is the Week of Who! What that means is a new Whovian creation every day this week. It started yesterday with Daleks, and bam, new to the Etsy store was both a group of exterminating aliens and the patterns to make them!

But wait! You can also win one of these by simply re-posting one of the Instagram pictures from the Week of Who from my Instagram (here) and tagging me, @louiesloops, and posting it with #weekofwho!

Well enough rambling, today is Tuesday, and I usually try to come out with a free pattern on Tuesdays so here it is! A free how to pattern for the 10th Doctors sonic screwdriver!


(basically any 100% cotton works)
Needle to sew in ends with

-sc = Single Crochet
-inc = Increase (sc 2 in one st)
-dec = Decrease (sc 2 together)
-bo = Bobble stitch (how to here)
-ch = Chain
-st = Stitch
-Rnd = Round
Ch 2 starting in Blue
Rnd 1: sc 6 in 2nd ch from hook (6)
Rnd 2: inc in each st (12)
Rnd 3: sc in each st around (12)

Change to grey

Rnd 4: sc in each st around (12)
Rnd 5: dc in each st around (12)
Rnd 6: working around bar of first dc made in last Rnd, dc 1, working in both stitches dc 3, repeat x 3 (12)
Rnd 7: working around bar of first dc made in last Rnd, sc 1, working in both stitches sc 3, repeat x 3 (12)
Rnd 8: sc in first 2 sts, dec in next, repeat x 3 (9)
Rnd 9: sc in each st around (9)
Rnd 10: sc in first 2 sts, inc in next, repeat x 3 (12)
Rnd 11: sc in each st around (12)
Rnd 12: sc in each st around (12)

Stuff a bit here, change to off-white

Rnd 13 – 18: sc in each st around (12)

In grey and using a bullion stitch, make a button.

Rnd 19 – 28: sc in each st around (12) [add 4 extra scs in off white to move the seam over slightly]

In grey and using a bullion stitch, make a button. In blue stitch a line between the buttons to connect them.

Change to grey

Rnd 29 and 30: sc in each st around (12)
Rnd 31: sc in first 2 sts, dec in next, repeat x 3 (9)
Rnd 32: sc in each st around (9)
Rnd 33: sc in first 2 sts, inc in next, repeat x 3 (12)

Change to black

Rnd 34 and 35: sc in each st around (12)
Rnd 36: sc in first 2 sts, dec in next, repeat x 3 (9)
Rnd 37: sc in each st around (9)
Rnd 38: sc in first, dec in next, repeat x 3 (6)

How to crochet: Kirby!
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Hey guys! This may be one of the biggest free patterns I’ve ever come out with, but I got a loooot of requests for it so I figured why not! So first off, I just came out with a pattern for how to make Mario, Luigi, Wario and Waluigi! You guys should check it out in the Etsy store!

Okay, well let’s get to business, here’s a couple videos for the pattern and the written version can be found below! Let me know what you think in the comments and please if you haven’t already,
subscribe on YouTube!


(basically any 100% cotton works)
Needle to sew in ends with

-sc = Single Crochet
-inc = Increase (sc 2 in one st)
-dec = Decrease (sc 2 together)
-bo = Bobble stitch (how to here)
-ch = Chain
-st = Stitch
-Rnd = Round
In pink Ch 2
Rnd 1: sc 6 in the second ch from the hook. Don’t turn. (6)

Rnd 2: sc 2 (inc) in each st around. (12)

Rnd 3: sc in each st around (12)

Rnd 4: sc in next st, inc in next st, repeat 6 times (18)

Rnd 5: sc in each st around (18)

Rnd 6: bo (bobble stitch) in first, sc one in next 7 sts, bo in next, sc one in last 9 sts (18; 2 bo, 16 sc)

Rnd 7: sc in each st around (18)
Sew on eyes here (see video part 1 at ~10:45)

– Switch to video part 2 here –
Rnd 8: sc in first 2 sts, bo in next (in red), sc one in next 4 sts, bo in next (in red) sc in next 10 sts (18; 2 bo, 16 sc)
Sew on a mouth in red here

See video here for how to stuff and finish.
Rnd 9: sc in first st, dec in next, repeat 6 times (12)

Rnd 10: dec in each st around (6)

Done! Now don’t forget to keep your mini Kirby away from any food, he has a tendency to eat anything and everything around him and turn it into little weapons.

How to Crochet: Hands
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Hey guys! Thought I’d add a new tutorial for “How to Make Amigurumi.” This one tells you how I make hands and do color changes for them too! Make sure to check out my Etsy where I have a new special to get 5 patterns for only $10! And enjoy the tutorial for how to make hands for your amigurumi!