Hey guys, I wanna introduce you to yet another new series on my YouTube channel, and this one you can be a part of! It’s called “Crochet Me” in it I crochet famous YouTubers one week then viewers the next!
To be a part of “Crochet Me” just post a picture of yourself or someone you want me to crochet to @louiesloops on Instagram with the hashtag #crochetmelouie and I’ll choose one person every other week to crochet!
Category Archives: featured
So I’ve got something really cool to share with you guys. A few weeks ago I got a message from some guys asking me to be part of a new website they were making, I happily abliged, and here I am to tell you about the awesome site: Makeably.
Makeably is a place where people go to buy handcrafted things from crafty people. Wait this sounds a lot like Etsy you say? Nope. The awesome thing about Makeably is that you make what you buy. Not literally, but you choose the idea. The sites really cool because it allows makers and buyers to work together to create something completely customizable for you!
Basically, how it works is you go to the site, see a template for something to be made, like… I don’t know.. a baby hat for example ;). This listing isn’t for the hat itself but for the idea. You see some stuff the maker can do in images and written down, then if you’re interested, you send the maker a message and say something like, “hey, I saw your stuff and I was thinking could you make a hat that looks like a purple pumpkin eater with wings and a horn?” and the maker says, “Heck yah! Send me some photos of what you were thinking and I’ll go see if I can find the right yarn for you and lets get this awesome hat made!”
The best part about this site is that it encourages makers like me and buyers to create not only something completely original, but also forces those creative juices to flow! Do me a favor and check out the site and if you like the idea sign up to be a part of it! It’s free of course and it’s way awesome, trust me.
You can check out my shop here: http://makeably.com/p/15
And the site itself here: http://makeably.com/
Thanks Ryan and Ana for letting me be a part of your site! I’m super excited to work with you and buyers from all over to make something awesome!
Featured on Handmade Men!
Hey guys! I was featured on Handmade Men the other day! Handmade Men is a really cool blog that is specifically for crafts and Etsy shops made for men. In my interview I talk about my inspiration, some fun stories about how I thought about some of the things I make, and some ideas and plans I have in the future!
Check it out here: http://www.handmademen.com/featured-louies-loops/
Thanks Josh and the rest of the Handmade Men team!