Hey guys! I’ve got a new tutorial for you guys! I realzed while making a pattern that it’s really tough to explain how I make hair via text, so I thought it’d probably just be easiest to make a video for it! So here you go, a video showing how I make the hair for my amigurumis, and check out the new pattern for Jon Snow that’s up today in the Etsy store!
Category Archives: Game of Thrones
How to Crochet: a Dragon Applique
I’m a bit behind on posts, so I’m gonna squish two posts into one with this! My roommate and I loooove Game of Thrones. We watch it every Sunday and are in deep love with the characters. So to commemorate the beginning of season 4 which started a few weeks back, I made Daenerys and Jon Snow from the show!!
I even decided to make a Watch me Crochet episode for Daenerys on my YouTube which you can watch right here:
They came out soo awesome, and I decided to come out with a free pattern to show how to crochet a tiny dragon too! So here it is. Warning though, it is more of a free form pattern than a written one, so the episodes more of a Crochet along pattern. You’ll get it..
Oops. Gotta play catch up!
Hey guys so I keep forgetting to post my patterns here! They’ve been coming out every week on my YouTube here, but I keep forgetting to put the new content here, and I’m sorry about that. So I’m going to remember to post them here and play catch-up this week, so prepare to get an influx of posts really quick.
Here are some of the things I’ve been posting on my YouTube and stuff. If you want to keep updated on that stuff subscribe to me on YouTube and check out my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!

How to Crochet: a Shield
So if you didn’t know I’ve been making these little miniature guys and doing videos of me making them, well someone requested that I do Link from The Legend of Zelda, which of course, I love. So I did, and for it I had to make a Hyrule shield. I figured why not give the pattern for that shield out, so here it is, with a video and everything:
You can get the full pattern for Link here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/182124177/pdf-pattern-for-crocheted-nintendos
And subscribe or check back on Wednesday for the Watch me Crochet video for Link.