Category Archives: Blog

How to crochet a flower: Re-do
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Hey guys! So I decided to redo one of my old patterns and make a video and stuff for it, so here it is, my old Flower pattern, but now with a new video, and a few tweaks to the pattern too. Hope you guys like it!

Lion Brand Cotton/Lily Sugar’n Cream
/Lion Brand Cotton-Ease
(basically any 100% cotton works)
Crochet Hook-Size G6 4.00mm
Needle to sew in ends with


-SL.ST = Slip Stitch
-SC = Single Crochet
-HDC = Half Double Crochet
-DC = Double Crochet
-Ch = Chain

-Rnd = Round

Ch 9, pull loop through first ch made.
Rnd 1: sc 18 around the loop of ch’s *not in ch’s*, in first sc made, don’t turn (18) [image 1]
Rnd 2: ch 10, skip 2 sts, in 3rd, repeat this 6 times. [image 2]
Rnd 3: Around each of the ch loops made in Rnd 2: sc 2, hdc 2, dc 4, hdc 2, sc 2, then where you made the sl.sts in Rnd 2 (12 in each loop, 72 total) [images 3 and 4]

To finish, cut and pull through the remaining yarn and sew it into the body of the flower to hide it. Done! Now just get a 7/8” (20mm) button and you can put it anywhere!



 Click the images to enlarge.

“Crochet Me”
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If you guys didn’t know, I do a series on my YouTube channel called “Crochet Me“. Basically, for each episode I crochet a different YouTuber and a viewer and do a time-lapse of me crocheting the YouTuber.

Well I havn’t been posting them very often here, so I figured I’d just do a dump of the first 8 episodes of Crochet Me. See if you know any of the YouTubers, and let me know if there are any YouTubers you’d like me to make!

Also, if you or someone you know wants to be crocheted, I choose one viewer an episode to crochet, here are some examples of the people I’ve made.

If you want to be crocheted just post a picture to Twitter or Instagram to @louiesloops with #crochetmelouie

Hope you guys like these!

Watch me Crochet: Maleficent
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Hey guys! Came out with a new episode of “Watch me Crochet” yesterday where I make Maleficent from Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, as well as in her new movie Maleficent! She was really fun to make, and is available in the Etsy store today!

I’m thinking of coming out with a pattern for her soon, but not sure how to go about that just yet as it is pretty dang complicated, but we’ll see.

Hope you guys like the video!

Here’s some more photos of her:

How to crochet: “Splitting”
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Hey guys, so I’ve been using this technique for a while while crocheting that I call “splitting” where I split a row in half. Not sure what it’s really called, but figured that was a pretty decent name for it.

I use it in my amigurumi to make things like hoodies and hat brims, and used it a lot when I made Maleficent here. Anyhow, just thought I’d share it and show you guys how I do that and some things I make with it in a video. I’ll probably be coming out with a whole bunch of amigurumi tutorials pretty soon and going to definitely be posting some longer detailed stuff on my Patreon page here in the not so distant future.


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What’s Patreon?
So if you don’t know what Patreon is, it’s basically a platform to support creators with the things they make, be it videos or little stuffed miniatures like me. You can pledge any amount of money you want per month and become a patron of the art! Think of it like an on going Kickstarter campaign, or even a tipping service, but with benefits.

I have a whole bunch of goals I’m aiming for, like a book, tons of new patterns, and eventually even hopefully to branch out! Check out all them here.

Kay, but what do I get out of it?
Other than helping me out also get a bunch of content that you wouldn’t normally. Things like: 
-Longer, more in-depth tutorials 
Video patterns for patrons only!
-Extra episodes of “Watch me Crochet” 
-Patreon specific Crochet Me’s 
-A decision in who I make next! 
-Patreon specific discounts and sales in my Etsy store 
-Being known as an awesome human by me! 

In addition if you pledge a certain amount of money you can get some extra perks like free patterns or I’ll even crochet you! Check out a list on the Patreon page here.

How to Crochet a PokeBall and tons of other Pokemon stuff!
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Hitting it hard right here with a BUNCH of new stuff including a few new patterns, tutorials, Watch me Crochet and even a Giveaway, all Pokémon related!!

So to start, check out this Watch me Crochet for Ash Ketchum and be sure to check out the free giveaway I’m doing for one of these Pokéballs!

Okay so here’s the thing, I’m giving away three of these Pokéballs (which are also available for sale in the Etsy store for only $5!). How you can win one of these is simply guess what Pokémon this guy is!

I made him a few weeks back for a custom order and figured it would be a fun little game for you guys. If you guys like it I’ll be happy to continue this trend and make some more Pokémon.

To guess simply go to the YouTube video here, Instagram post, Twitter post, or Facebook post and say who you think the Pokémon is in a comment!! I’ll choose three correct answers next week to send some Pokeballs to!

So that’s not all, if you know how to crochet, you can learn how to make one of these Pokéballs with this free pattern I did a video of last week!

I hope you guys like this and let me know in the comments if you guys would like to see any different patterns!

-Lion Brand Cotton-Ease Yarn

-Crochet Hook-Size G 4.50mm
-Needle to sew in ends with

-Sc : Single Crochet   

-Inc: Increase (sc 2 in st)
-Dec: Decrease

-St : Stitch or stitches

Button (to be sewn onto front of Pokeball)

In white, Ch 2 or use adjustable ring (Don’t Turn)
Rnd 1: sc 3 in 2nd ch from the hook (3)
Cut, leaving a long end to use when sewing onto ball

Starting in red
Ch 2 or use adjustable ring (Don’t Turn)

Rnd 1: sc 6 in 2nd ch from the hook (6)

Rnd 2: sc 2 in each st (12)

Rnd 3: sc in first 4 sts, inc in next, repeat 3 times (15)
Rnd 4: sc in each st around (15)
Rnd 5: sc in each st around (15)
Change to white
Rnd 6: sc in each st around (15)
Sew button on here.
Rnd 7: sc in first 3 sts, dec in next, repeat 3 times (12)
Rnd 8: dec in each st (6)
Cut, stuff and sew together [see video here for instructions]

I know it’s a lot to take in. If you want to get updated on new stuff quicker make sure to check out my YouTube for videos, and Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter where I post every time there’s something new!

How to Crochet: a Dragon Applique
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I’m a bit behind on posts, so I’m gonna squish two posts into one with this! My roommate and I loooove Game of Thrones. We watch it every Sunday and are in deep love with the characters. So to commemorate the beginning of season 4 which started a few weeks back, I made Daenerys and Jon Snow from the show!!

I even decided to make a Watch me Crochet episode for Daenerys on my YouTube which you can watch right here:


They came out soo awesome, and I decided to come out with a free pattern to show how to crochet a tiny dragon too! So here it is. Warning though, it is more of a free form pattern than a written one, so the episodes more of a Crochet along pattern. You’ll get it..

Well I hope you guys liked all of that jazz. I know it’s a lot to take in. If you want to get updated on new stuff quicker make sure to check out my YouTube for videos, and Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter where I post every time there’s something new!
And check back soon in the Etsy shop for the Daenerys and Jon Snow patterns!!

Oops. Gotta play catch up!
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Hey guys so I keep forgetting to post my patterns here! They’ve been coming out every week on my YouTube here, but I keep forgetting to put the new content here, and I’m sorry about that. So I’m going to remember to post them here and play catch-up this week, so prepare to get an influx of posts really quick.

Here are some of the things I’ve been posting on my YouTube and stuff. If you want to keep updated on that stuff subscribe to me on YouTube and check out my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!

Watch me Crochet: Super Mario
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New episode of Watch me Crochet up today! This weeks character is our favorite mushroom gulping plumber, Mario! Him and a bunch of other Nintendo themed characters are also available in the Etsy store today!

I also just hit 1000 subscribers today on my YouTube!!! Thank you guys that have subscribed soooo much, and if you havn’t yet, you can subscribe right here!

Keychains      |      Pattern    

How I make eyes!
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I was asked last week on one of my YouTube videos how I made the eyes on last weeks star pattern so I figured, well why not make a how to video for it! So that’s what I did, and here’s my how to video on how I make different types of eyes!

Check back tomorrow to see the new video of Watch me Crochet: Super Mario!